Langtang-Helambu-Chitwan Trip - 2008
Duration: 7th Oct. 2008 to 23th Oct 2008
No of Clients: 16 Pax
No of days: 16 nights 17 days
No of Nepali staff: 11 pax
Name list of Clients
1. Ho Chi Cheung (M) - Group Leader, 2. Yip Wing Sheung (M) - Hong Kong Hiking Leader, 3. Yu Man Cheung (M), 4. Law Hau Shun (M), 5. Chow Hung Cheong (M), 6. Chau Hung Teng (M), 7. Lee Wing Hung (M),8. Chuk Sui Choi (F), 9. Cheung Ma Chuen (M), 10. Lee Kwai Wah (M), 11. Yip Bik Chun (F), 12. Wong Yuk Lin (F), 13. Shum Wing (M), 14. Wong Suk Ying (F), 15. Au Kam Hung (M), 16. LO SIU CHI (M)
Name of Tour Guide/ Leader: Suman Prd. Neupane
Name of Sherpa & Porters:
1. Basu Devkota (Sherpa), 2. Resham Karki (porters since longtime, 3. Chandra Dahal (cook), 4.Prakash Bastakoti (young guy, 5. Mistar Karki (smart one), 6. Badri Adhikari, 7. Kanchha Ghale (strong guy who carry to Shuk), 8. Saila Sherstha (the old one), 9. Kumar Shertha, 10. Krishna Gurung
Day 01 Kathmandu (7th Oct.08)
Today, I wake up early morning because of have to manage everything for trekking. All our porters, Sherpa, necessary documents and equipments had already ready. The porters who came from my original village call Baseri, Dhading, Nepal. They have temporary stay in Kathmandu this night they lived in my room. I have two rooms but we had not space anymore “Sleep tried no fight” because of we have 10 people together. I went office Asian Hiking Team at 8 O’clock. I have to remain the tourist coach to pick up us from airport and drop to Syaphru Besi, tomorrow. However, our biggest festival was running from 7th Oct so everyone is busy to celebrate festival as well as trekking season. In our office also has been going to celebrate festival in this day so all our staff was coming in office and preparing the special food “Fry Meat with bitter rice and hard drinks”. Time pass very quickly, I need to go airport to pick up my friends. Sherpa Basu brought the beautiful 16th garlands. The flight time which my friend Alex Ho passed me RA 410 - 19.25 / 21.55, RA means Royal Nepal Airlines, now call Nepal Airlines. We call (RAA) “Royal Always dele Airlines”. I was very exciting to meeting them. This is not my first time to meet them. Yes, I know some were the first time in Nepal. Alex Ho, Yip, Lo, Long …… are the best friend. Since 2001, I did continue trekking with them. I never forget to their help in my life and our relation is keep going on in future. The flight has dale. Finally, all my friends were arrived outside of Airport. We shared our happiness each others. An airport broker was carrying our friend’s bag to the bus. I said not give them but we have big group and might not everybody hear or someone was happy to arrived and don’t know about this. They asked money to my clients but they don’t like to give any because of why? Why? I have given Rs 300 already but they ask with tourist also. Specially, Mr. Tony was disappearing with this cause. We have talked about this problem in Hotel after arrived. We drive back to hotel within 23 minutes because there is no traffic during the night. I have reserved Hotel Boudha in main state of Thamel. Everybody want sleep, it was late already so I said good night and told them giving briefing tomorrow morning at 6.30. I have to talk with Alex Ho and Tony about the problem in Airport; I try to recognize them the problems. Anyway, Alex Ho talked with him in Chinese. Well, it was mid night I need to go my room its takes 20 minutes drives. Mr. Ho gave me two bags which give by “Katie”. She is from Hong Kong and she did trekking with my brother many times and she knows me and our family. She loved Hiking and cycling. One big bag for me and our porters and next one is for Mr. Ramesh. After back from trekking I gave this bag to Ramesh. It was already 2 O’clock return to my room.
Day 02: Syaphru Base (8th Oct. 08)
I went hotel Buddha at 6 AM. All my friends came in dining room for breakfast. We had heavy breakfast and drive to Syaphru Besi. Syaphru Besi is above 1460 from sea. There is server place is check point. The bus was stop for lunch in Trisuli Bazaar. We have lunch with Dal Bhat, fry Noodle, and Noodle soup. Then after continues driving to the Pahiro, call “Landscape”. We need to change bus from there because of the problems of landslide. We start walking 10 minutes to catch bus in other side. It was durable to manage the entire bag to our staff because of we have not rope there to try our bag. Every porter carry two bag but still we have some small bag so I have also carry one extra bag. We went to other side but there was only one bus and many local people also like to go in Syaphru Besi. I have already reserved this bus but bus’s staff said me take some space for local people otherwise give Rs. 30000 extra. There is no way to go so I must be gone. I am sure if local people seat in our bus my all friends are unhappy with me. I know, in my last trekking 2004, when we did trekking ABC, at that time we have bus ride from Naya pool to Pokhara, in our bus one of local people request me to drop in Pokhara and I said ok but one of our group member who can’t speak English “Wong” very sad with me, why this local people with us? So I have experience about that case so I have to paid more and took bus to Syaphru Besi. It was already late arrived in Syaphru Besi. Peaceful lodge was our hotel for tonight. I have checked all the rooms and hot shower. Someone took shower but last one have cold water. In the mountain, we recommend to our clients take shower at first because of hot water. There is solar hot shower. We have dinner is 7 PM. everybody happy and exciting for hiking from tomorrow. Mr. Tony who has very nice English, everyday he helped to translate English to Chinese when I finished briefing in English. Yip who is my best friend since long years he was Hong Kong leader, gave information to others friends. Mr. Alex Ho, ohoo, well, I have no word to say him, how nice, kind, helpful. Every stapes help me and introduction with new friends every year. I never forget him and keep in warm relation long life. I said where I sleep, every night I told where I sleep because of they can found me if any problems during the night. At 9.30 went to bed.
Day 03 Lama Hotel (Changtang) (9th Oct. 08)
I had mention time for breakfast at 6.30 AM but everybody came late except some old one in restaurant. We started our trek at 8.15 O’clock. Porters took time to manage the load. I have to check all the bags and mention where to go and where we have lunch. One of our Sherpa walk in first one of cooking helper Sherpa in the last and me runs in the middle. Some time I was first some time I was last. The porters walk as they like. After 5 minutes walk down to the school where near is police check post. I have checked our permit and cross the river call “Bhotekosi”. Bhot mean Tibetan, the gorge is coming from Tibet. Recently we had crossing another long bridge over Langtang Khola. Now we were walking inside the grass and louse forest following the Langtang Khola. We reached Doven, where we had short break. Yip took picture over the Doven Bridge. Mr. Ho and Violin were walking slowly and taking picture. The one woman wipes clothes. Almost everyone have picture of her. Our path heading up and crossing the landslide we have stop for lunch. The places call Pahiro where we have lunch. Pahiro is very small sport for lunch. There is only two hotel and not sufficient items to eat. Chandra cooked Noodle, fired egg, Rice for our team. We wait long time for Nepal Dal Bhat because we have big group and other tourist also waiting for lunch. After lunch trek to deep forest cross the bridge climb up. Mr. Alex Ho, Lo, Vioiln, Ray walk slowly, some of guys walk very fast. Someone walks ok. I was run all the way. We passed the Ramche half an hour before Lama Hotel. Lama Hotel (2340m) original name is “Changtang”. One of the Lama cast people who came through this way by trekking long years before. At that time there was not any hut, after finished trekking he returned this place and make small local hotel, then after everybody said Lama Hotel. Still he has run hotel in there. Our group have divide in three assembly, I mean some on arrived 4.30 PM, someone 5.15 PM but some guys still was not arrive till to 6 PM. I was worry and ask to one porter to go little down but still not come. At last I have taken dinner order to rest of friends and return back with touch light. After 20 minutes walked I met Alex Ho, Lo, and Violin. We all arrived in Hotel have a dinner together. Who came late, have not hot water so those disappeared with me. I think it was simple in mountain because there was not sun that day and finished hot water. After dinner we have short Nepali dance programs by porters and briefing time. I request them to walk slowly, walk together, drinks lots of fruits, rest, take picture etc. Walk together, because of if any one got any problems can help easily. I cannot walk with only one guy so I need to take care for everyone. That is why; I walk some time middle, sometime first, sometime last. It was first day hiking so everyone look exciting for next days but feel tried. Good night, sleep well.
Day 4 Langtang (10th Oct. 08)
Today we start 7.40 AM after hot breakfast. Porters were going to ready bag. Girls take more times so some of ladies took long time to come down. Our way is inside the oak, rhododendron, fir jungle. We had planned to take lunch in Ghoda Tabela meaning “horse house”. Everyone took fired rice, noodle fry and Dal bhat. Violin is very active girl she come many time inside the kitchen and have took picture. She is beautiful, kind auto size girl. After lunch we continues walk to up and down to Langtang village. Mr Tony, who speaking very nice English, and helping me to translate in Chinese. In our group someone could not understand English. In Langtang village 3400m we arrived 4.40 PM, our hotel called Hotel Langtang village view. 6.30 was our dinner time. In this trek everyday our food came late and not in together because of there is not enough staff in hotel as well as if big group takes time too. Our plan to explore the Langtang village but everybody busy taking shower and took picture over very nice view of Langtang and waterfall, monastery and the village. We have not species to dance so today we have not dance but play card and joke. Chuk she came with her husband so she had second time in Langtang, first time with daughter.
Day 05 Kyangjing Gomba (11th Oct. 08)
Today, I called to my home in Kathmandu early morning, there is bad news I hear that my nephew was killed by drank man. During the festival time, local people drank lots and killed him. It was so painful message. I have to share with my porters. Whole day I remain him so I don’t remain my stapes however we start 8 O’clock trek to Kyanging. My friends have taken many picture of Chotan. We follow left side of Chotan. We have short stop on the way to Kyanjing. Mr Ho, Yip, Lo, Violin, Yuk Chung was walking together. Mr Ma is old man but walk first. He is very strong. Almost 12.35 we had been in Kyangjing Gomba (3900m). Today we stay Yati Guest house. After have lunch we climb to Chekuri forehead of Kyanjing Gomba. Some guys walk very fast even faster than me has been on the top but not everyone. We return back very quickly. We have dinner in Kyanjing at 6 PM. My friends were very hungry so we start our diner early. Some guys want to try eating real yak cheese. There is Yak factory in Kyanjing. Tomorrow, our plan was visit Langsiss Kharka following all the way to Mt Langsisha.
Day 06 Kyangjing Gomba (12th Oct. 08)
We started day trip 8.30 AM from hotel. I took one Sherpa and one porter with us. All the way is following Langtang Khola, looks flat but gradually going up. We made many Yaks with attractive Mountain View, landscape and mountain birds. The valley was windy so everyone covered mouth by scarf and keep going. We walk around 2.45 hours reached some Yak pasture calls Langshisa Kharka (4160m) and we have finest view of MT. Dorjelakpa, Langsisha and many white wall. We return back to hotel within 1.30 hours but some guys took 2.15 hours. After lunch we played card games and some joke with porters and clients. Violin was very nice and funny girl she came near Nepali staff and take picture together some time share happiness. Mt. Tony, he is very smart and he looks like European. It was very funny guys who not speak English like Ma, Lo, Chuk’s husband etc. Early dinner bring us to bed early so everyone gaze for sweet dream early.
Day 07 Lama Hotel/Bamboo (13th Oct. 08)
Today, we start early at 7.20 because we have heading back journey to Bamboo. Our destination was so far so we moved early. I have mention porters to go faster as possible. We planned to go Bomboo if possible. During our trekking moment was festival time so I should be provide some special meat item to my staffs and clients so I have talk already with Porter Resham if possible we could buy goad or Sheep. So he said ok. I have given RS. 5000 and told him to buy around 5000 RS. I walked with our teams. Everybody walk fast today. We reached in Bamboo in the evening. But the porter reached early and preparing the sheep. Our porters shoot the sheep and cook our shelf. We stay in hotel Bamboo lodge. It is small hotel in bank side of Langtang Khola. We cook meat items by our self. Poters request me to drink local wine so they started local wine to drinks. Some tourist guys also attend to eat with us. Porters eat and drink too much. Porter Badri and cook Chandra got drank and quarrel. We all sleep in dining room because there have not any extra room for Nepali. Next day, we planned to go Sing Gomba or Chandanbari, its long way so that we have planned to start on 6.30 AM.
Day 08 Sing Gomba (14th Oct. 08)
We had 6 AM breakfast and then we moved from Hotel at 6.30 AM. Every day, we start from hotel together but walking separate. Some of guys want to walk fast but someone want walk slow. On this day also some guys walk first with porters. Especially some old man and the guy who couldn’t speak English walk in the middle but Mr. Ho, Long, Violin, walk in last. In the middle, two of old man including Ma, Lo, Suk, and others walk together. I was last but have passed the last one and just coming on the middle. I heart so loudly noise inside the Jungle. I was so worry and running so faster. I just came near the two of old people who can’t speak English. They point me inside the gorge. This………… This………………… ohoooooo…….. Lo……….. SUiiiiii I couldn’t understand. I look over the pointed place I saw someone was swimming over the pound. There was no way, how could I go??? I was very hurry jumping over the gorge. It was so sleepy, danger and waterfalls. Doesn’t matter, I just want to go near him and take over. I need to go again jump next steps but it was so hard. I took rick and jump but some of other friends said not to go……… but I went near him. I have given my hand him and try to carry up. It’s so hard because he was so big and tallest in our group. Finally I took over the main path. He was all wet, big wound in head, neck problems, and blooding from lags, hand. He looks like unconscious. I gave some medicine from my bag. Chuk husband take care him and I run very fast to catch the porter. Because of some of porters went already I mean I want to bring first aid medicine as well as carry him to the next place. It was 45 minutes remote to next place call Pahiro where we have lunch on day 3. Porter Resham and Kancha Ghale came in that sport. Resham carry him and run way. Mr Ghale and Badri help to carry turn by turn till to Pahiro. I have already sent message all porters most be stop in Pahiro. I have carry big tourist bag and my bag together and run fast as possible. We all had been in Pahiro. We would talk more than half hour what to do? Chuk husband want to call rescues and take over but I found was not very serious so better to bring Syaphru Besi and call heli-rescues or drive by Jeep to Kathmandu. Finally, we decide to carry to Syaphru Besi and drive to Kathmandu. I have talk with porters and Sherpa. Mt. Kancha Ghale (very strong), Birdri and I were bringing to Syaphru Besi. I had told our destination to Sing Gomba (Chandanbari) to all groups and handover to Mr. Basu and Krishna. Chuk husband want to return back to Kathmandu with accident person (Shuk). Kanchha Ghale carried him all the way back to Syaphru Besi. Rest of our guys moved to Chandanbari (sing Gomba). I have talked with Mt. Ho and Tony to request walk together, lunch in Syaphru village (Thulo Syaphru. We planned to meet in Sing Gomna in mid night or early next morning with return one porter. “No worries about us just take care of rest of groups”. “Have a nice and safe trek” We arrived in Syaphru Besi 1.15 O’clock. We have not rest on the way, Keep walking …… Keep walking……….. Especially Porter Kanchha Ghale holds all the way to Syaphru Besi. At last we had been in Syaphru Besi. After our arrival Shuk and Chuk husband have some lunch Noodle soup. Shuk called to insurance company and decided to return back by jeep. I have connection in Kathmandu for rescues but he want take by Jeep. One Jeep was fond to return back to Kathmandu so I have talked with Jeep man and decided moved as soon as possible. He was ready to paid 18,0000 Nepali rupees. They moved from Syaphru Besi with one porter Badri. After that I have called to Kathmandu to reserve hotel and pick up to them, bring hospital everything in details. It was already 3 o’clock still I have not ate. I called to eat Dal Bhat but it was already late. ”No worry chicken curry”, I think, God gives me power so I don’t need to eat anything. I have not felt well because I was thinking to my friend, how, where, when………….. Time pass very quickly, we should be go Chandanbari (Sing Gomba) it is two days trekking camp so it general wall 8/9 hours. After Noodle soup we start walk through Syaphru Village. We climb up but my steps come down. Anyway at 5 PM we reach to Syaphru village (Thulo Syaphru) 2210m, we decided to eat some food with drink. On the way there is big forest and not good place for food. So we have share two beer each other and took two beers with us. It was already dark; we prepare flash lights and enough batteries. I was not scarring with long distance because I can walk. But I was scarring about security. My grandmother told me that “night is not ours” so be careful with night. Security is very danger because of there is big Jungle for wild animals, nomad dogs on the way and the thief. I had more than Rs. 5,00,000/- money. I think better to share with my porter half and half because if thief attract one can run a way. We put money inside the bag where we have smiling socks. We started to climb slowly. I think the beer was working so we can walk fast and not afraid. On the way we stop for pie and again drink beer. At last around 10.30 we reached in Sing Gomba (Chandanbari). At that time, some of my clients went to bed and someone was waiting me in the dining hall. Mr. Yip, Ho, Lo, Long, Tony was very curiosity to asked me, ohooooo, You are here !!! How is he? He reached to Kathmandu? How came you? I have told about long history then we went to sleep.
Day 09 Gosaikunda (15th Oct. 08)
Today, we started at 7.40 AM after hot pancake. Trials bring us the gradually going up to Cholang Patti. It is very huge rhododendron, pine, fir forest. The fantastic Mountain View is starting from Cholangpatti. Up going Lauri Binayak wonderful view of Annapurna, Manaslu, Ganesh Himal and Langtang range. We have many fantastic pictures in Lauribina. Lauribina is Nepali word meaning “without stick”. Pilgrims calls this climbing is not possible without stick so its call Lauribina. There was few lodge one the middle of climb. We stoped for lunch. The weather was not clearing so windy. After lunch continues climb reached Ganesh Temple on the top. The view was very nice and we have many pictures in there. The trail from Temple is little up and down to catch Gosaikund. We could see on the way there is several Kunda (lake), Saraswoti, Bhairab and last is Gosaikunda 4180m. I had already sent Sherpa to reserve hotel Holy Lake Lodge near the lake. The view of lake can see from dining room. Surya Peak has magnificent view. After arrival has some hot tea and I have mention everybody get ready to visit Temple and lakes. We need to safe energy for next challenging day going to cross Lauribina Pass 4680m. The lodge was overfull so some of tourists sleep in dining room so the lodge manager wants to provide us very early dinner. We ate early but sleep late because of nepali have no room to sleep so wait till to dining room empty. Before sleep every day I mention to my clients where I sleep because if any problems they can come in my room. Mountain is our God so nobody knows about our condition. I have briefing after dinner; wake up time 4.30 AM, breakfast 5.15 AM and 5.45 start, most be walk together, one porter is last, one Sherpa is walk first and we all are in the middle, about AMS (Altitude Mountain Sickness).
Day 10 Tharepatti (16th Oct. 08)
Today was hardest day in our trek. The beautiful pass call Laurinina Pass 4680 meters high. First 2 and half hours climb gradually up. We crossed two lakes and reached attractive top where there is Buddha flags on the passes. We had been in pass at 9.15 AM. After pass the trail precipitously down to Phedi where is basic two tea house. We stop lunch in there but our group was divided in three groups. The stronger guy was there in 12 O’clock the middle was is there in around 12.30 but the last one was there at 2 O’clock. Mt. Ho and Vilion was 2 O’clock. We wait long time in for them. Some of guy was disappearing with Ho. Tony and Yip also so complains for with Ho because he was leader, some members have no English so so…………. Yip told him why together with violin…………….??? Long said they are going to love each other. I guessed that they start love. Every time they walk together and talk lots all the way. After Chaufan, we moved to Ghopte. We have still far way to go Tharepati. The trail is very narrow, moving stone and many corners. We reached Gopte 3430m around 5 O’clock still we need to walk down and up 3 hours. I have left one porter in the back with Ho. Sherpa went to Tharepati to reserve hotel. I was in the middle. It is hard to mange me because of if I walk with one person next person was disappear with me. I am guide for everybody but what to do? It was already dark so we have flash light. Look like near the Tharepati but still far. Finally we reach in Tharepati 3510 meters at 7.30 PM. After we reached its hard to manage room because we have 16 people and some of others groups already stay in Tharepati Guest house. Mr. Ray and Ho sleep everyday together but they want separate room but we have no separate room. Ray is fat and big body so the bed is short and small. The toilet also not nice, They have not hot water. Ladies guys were waiting for wash body by hot water but the water is not hot. We have very nice hitter inside the dining room. It was cold there. We have late diner. The bed was narrow so everybody has not wanted to leave dining room. Next day was our easy day so I mention no worry. Sleep well, good night.
Day 11 Kutungsan (17th Oct. 08)
Today is short day so we start 8 AM after heavy breakfast. Our hotel is in the bottom of green hill. So we walk up 10 minutes to reach ride of the mountain. There was so beautiful sceneries Langtang range and Dorje lakpa. Our trail following over the ride of mountain so the both side view was really magnificent. Our destination is call Kutungsan its 2470 meters above sea leaver. We have lunch on the way. After lunch we walk around 1.30 hours down to Kutungsan. I found everybody walk together, in our trekking. After arrival, transfer to hotel, everyone look very happy because Kutungsan is the best view point and its warm sunny place. After long days walk, everyone feel easy day. Everyone took hot shower. Our porter Resham and Mister went to buy chicken because we found there can buy local chicken. They bring chicken and our dinner with chicken night. We have enough of time so we all stay in the dining room and playing cards, joke. Violin is really funny girl some time she gave to our porter some chocolate and sometime want take picture with us. I said her you would so beautiful, than recently Alex ho have taken picture and said are you sure? Yes I told him. I didn’t know how they love each others. The next day we have planned to go Chisapani. It was long distance but very nice walking over local villages, jungles, and open valley.
Day 12 Chisapani (18th Oct. 08)
Today, our destination was Chisapani means “cold water” its 2175 meters above sea. It was long distance but easy trekking trail. When I mention the long destination but they don’t believed me because of the trail is easy and can see Chisapai is near. We start 7.40 from Hotel. Trials bring us over hill, passing local village, rhododendron forest. The hidden valley in both sides is so interesting to see. We have Lunch in Chuli where could see Chisapani was near but still we need 3 hours from there. It took long time for lunch because of there is small tea shop and many others groups were waiting lunch. In Langtang Helambu region there is not many tourist like Annapurna, Everest so they not prepare food. When after we reach or order then they go to collect food so it has taken time. Our cook, porters help to cook food. After longtime wait we received our food. We start around 2.30 O’clock from there. First one hour steeply down to reached Gulbhanjang. I have managed some porter walk first, some in last. I told our cook Chandra to walk with Ho and Violin because they walk slowly but Alex Ho said go first not in back so that Chanda came early. Sherpa Basu also said same as he said not wait for us. They want to talk and walk slowly with Violin. It seem like dating. I know Violin want walk slowly. It is my response to take care her as well as the fast walking like Chuk, Golden, Tony, Lo etc. What to do? I walk in the middle and reached around 5.30 PM with yip, Tony, Ray, Lo, etc. but some of them reached 4 .30PM. We stay Hotel Dorje Lakpa. I have managed rooms, dinner, and shower. Then after I return back same way to bring Ho and Violin. I have left cook Chandra comes together but he came already because he said Ho told go away. Anyway, I went with flash lights and motor bike half an hour down. At last I met them coming very slowly. I though there were so tried so come slowly.
How are you? How are you? There are so disappear with me and not any answer. I have request many time; at last Violion told me Ok, Ok, Alex Ho was angry with me because he said it was long camp, not mention like long camp, why left us only???? I request and told him in detail as it is long distance but not difficult and others guys took easy so. I have managed one porter with you but you told go away. So I told in details. Finally, we reached in Hotel at 7.45 PM. On these nights our porter Mistar Karki also makes headache for me. He drinks lot local wine with camping group’s porters and fighting each others. The camping group’s porters came and discourse with us and very deafeningly. I had briefing to my groups and request start early morning because of Chisapani to Nagarkot also far way. We planed start at 6.30AM. I have command this night because of it was so painful day for me to manage. It was remember that Mr. Lo directly back to Kathmandu from Chisapani because of he had fly back to Hong Kong on 19th Oct. I collect ticket for him and he followed our Sherpa Basu on the way to Sundarijal 4 hours and drives half an hour to Kathmandu. He helped him to drop Airport.
Day 13 Nagarkot (19th Oct. 08)
Today, I wakeup 5 o’clock, recently went to roof top, all picture lover went already. Mr. Ho, Yip, Long, Tony were in roof top. After picture have breakfast and start walk. Everybody got ready in fix time today. Our distance was far but trail was easy. First two hours follow seasonable road and half an hour walk down to Chule where we have Lunch. Today we have short lunch because everybody was afraid for long distance. We can see Nagarkot but still far away. Passing through local house, school and check post then we would be in Kartike which is bottom of Nagarkot. Nagarkot 2100 meters above sea is hill top resort. It is very nice panoramic view point. We planned to stay Niva Niwa Hotel. We reached at 3.45 in Nagarkot. After our arrival, our porters were moving to Kathmandu. I had mention already for all of them if you want any tips or any things please give now. Everybody got ready, someone bring something, someone something, everybody happy and hurry to took picture. Mt. Tomy, Yip, Ho and all they gave tip and they given individually also. After porters return we have some sunset view and diner. I think there have very hot shower. This was our last night in mountain we almost finished our trek. We sleep early. Ho, Yip, Long have second time in this hotel.
Day 14 Chitwan (20th Oct. 08)
5.15 AM is the sunrise time. So everybody got up early morning and preparation for photo action. More than 200 pictures we have hot tea. Yip took action for photos. At last sunshine took breakfast. Our tourist coach was already ready. Our plan directly drives to Chitwan through Bhaktapur – Kathmandu. On the way down o Bhaktapur, Yip and Lo share some a kind of nuts. They request to eat me, I said once no, no, but at last ok, because they friendly told I decided to eat some. I know, I have reaction after eat nuts. The nuts getting reaction me so I could not breathe easy, continues cuffing, at last vomiting. Ohooo, it was very hard for me. I have no way to share, they just ask what happen. Even I could not talk. I have brought some medicine but did not work. We stop for lunch in Malekhu. I just remember that but I didn’t know what’s they eat and who paid bills. The diver was first time in Chitwan, he don’t know the hotel location so its takes time to found out the hotel. When we reached Chitwan at 3.30 PM, some of clients was very sad with me they said, why we paid bill in lunch? Why took time ………………. So I told them the problems were I got sick on bus and I have not known who paid bill in lunch. I told them I would pay when we return back because return journey lunch is not including as our agreements. After transfer to Hotel our Chitwan activities were starting. We went to visit Elephant bedding center. There was baby elephant we play have pictures. Finally, we return back to hotel, on the way we cross Rapti River on cannoning. It was so interesting. We have dinner at 6.30 PM. We have one jungle guide he gave briefing us about security and using clothes and others.
Day 15 Chitwan (21st Oct. 08)
Today, our programs were full day Jungle activities. We follow as Jungle guide so wakeup 6 O’clock, 6.30 breakfasts, 8 O’clock we went elephant riding for one and half hours. We took jeep drive to go elephant safari. Every elephant we have 4 to 6 person ride. After ride within few minutes we saw rhino, deer and one jackal. After cross Rapti River we went to deep jungle. The weather was sunny and hot. We return to Hotel, recently went to elephant bath. My clients was not like to take elephant bath but we have very nice picture and there was many people having bath. We have lunch at 12 O’clock. After lunch our planned Jungle walks. We have some rule to walk inside the jungle. That Chitwan national park is huge jungle in Nepal. There are many wild animals so we need to careful. So that we need to switch off mobile, wear blue, dark or green clothes, walk in group, not speak loudly, walk without sound, If any wild animal saw go to safe place, use camera or lance to see animal, follow guide etc. We divide in two groups and met on the way. Four of guide include me were leading jungle walk. We saw wild rhino, deer, snake, many birds, wild buffalos etc. It was so interesting that the guide said Chup…………….. chuup…… everybody attention. But in our groups they want to talk when after they saw animals. Guide recently called chuppppppppppp …………. After few hours walk we return to our hotel and have rest few minutes. In the evening we went to bird watching and village tour outside of valley. In the evening we attended in culture programs. Dinner in hotel with dal bhat and chicken curry.
Day 16 Kathmandu (22nd Oct. 08)
We wake up 6 AM. We visited bird watching programs and return for breakfast. We have heavy breakfast and drop to bus. Bus drives through Tadi, Bharatpur, Narayanghat, Muglin, Malekhu. We have lunch in Malekhu. After lunch 3 hours drive to Kathmandu. In the evening we have dinner together so we called to porters and my family also so my wife and daughter also came to join in dinner. We have dinner in …….. restaurant. Everybody press me to eat two big items but one is enough for me. We return back to our hotel. In this night we have not enough room so we manage in Hotel Dashidhele Guest house for someone, because the peak season was going on. I return back to room with my family, porters Resham and Basu
Day 17 Hong Kong (27th Oct .8)
I wake up 5 AM, after wash my face, used toilet, and then start to walk in Thamel. Our airport time at 6 AM so drive by tourist coach to Airport. I have given KHATA to everybody. Everybody, exciting to go inside. Alex Ho gave me some tips inside the plastic bag. I have no word to said, “have a nice and safe journey”. Finally, they went inside the airport, I have just keep looking, looking……… I feel miss something and return back to office and waiting for their email soon.
Suman Prasad Neupane
Team leader
Tel. No.:- 977-1-4880405, 4420858, 9841306857 (mobile)